Fashion department
Royal Academy of Fine Arts
AP Hogeschool Antwerpen
Master of Arts


White dressBlack skirtInspiration for RHINESTONE COWBOY
Latex scarf and polyester earringsWhite blazerWhite top
Pink dressInspiration for RHINESTONE COWBOYPink dress and white latex scarf


Inspired by the courageous women warriors of the Middle East revolutions and the upcoming emancipation movement, Eerens created a womenswear collection of long, closed and impenetrable Oriental gowns with couture elements such as rhinestones. These monochrome dresses range from white to light pinks and purples to aubergine and finally black. The elongated silhouettes combine heavy fabrics such as velvet and wool with silk taffeta, which makes for a strange juxtaposition of Eastern and Western elements. The closedness of the mid-Eastern styles combined with the lighter Western elements balance out the silhouettes nicely. The inner strength of the female warriors, their rebellion and their resolution to fight for a cause they believe in finds a shape in this fusion of masculine tailoring and tall strict hats with silk couture-like layered gowns with long trains.